Monday, October 10, 2011

In Limbo

limbo |ˈlimbō|
An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition: the fate of the Contras is now in limbo.

There will be no November trip to Europe.

Last Monday, October 3, Dr. Lavelle of the Northwest Urological Clinic replaced the stent in my right ureter.   As I had requested, it was only a stent replacement that took about 30minutes…  I was at the day surgery unit less than four hours.  Certainly not major surgery.

By Thursday, the curly cue end of the newly installed white stent was poking out of my stoma…Not to worry as I had experienced the same thing with the first stent in mid September.  But a couple of hours later, another four or five inches were visible through the bag and so I phoned my urological guide.  He was unavailable but his medical assistant suggested perhaps I could just cut it off. “With what” I asked. 
She didn’t know.  She backtracked and then suggested that   I should have an x-ray Friday morning afterwards come see the urological surgeon who installed it.  That I did.  He looked at it a short time and suggested it would probably entirely work itself out over the next several hours…
It did come all the out and now that slightly used 18 inch white stent, with curly “pig tail” ends, remains in the current bag and is available through Wednesday at a VERY LOW price.  J 

This morning at seven am, the ultra sound tech surveyed my kidneys, the radiologist wrote up his observations, three hours later Dr. Pitre suggested six weeks of watchful waiting and (because of potential kidney infections?) that we postpone our proposed European trip until early next year. 

The good news is there is still NO EVIDENCE of any cancer. 

So, maybe we’ll be in Europe early in 2012.