Thursday, May 5, 2011

arriving in CANCERSTAN

5:30 am April 5, I  pissed two big clots of blood,

Although I suspected, I wasn't sure, as the landscape was the same,

9:30am April 25, the (pathologist) map maker confirmed to my guide (Dr. Sajal Dutta, surgeon) who showed me the map... I was
 in the city of
Urothelial carcinoma, specifically the

neighborhood of
high grade, invasive into the muscularis propria.

YES, I am now in the nation of cancerstan with stage two bladder cancer.

If you want more details on this neighborhood, see

1 comment:

  1. Although I struggle with the ultimate destination, I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts throughout the journey. My friend, I hold you and your family in the light.
