Thursday, July 7, 2011


To avoid another trip to cancerstan, drugs have been suggested.
My guides tell me I may be taken back into cancerstan whether I do chemo or not. 
Bladder cancer five-year survival rates, with powerful & poisonous drugs, range from 50%--75%.   Without drugs, survival rates are some 10% less, 40%-65%.  (I found nothing in the medical literature about the most important issue…quality of life.)

Beginning the last week in July, my medical oncologist is recommending drug use for a “cure”.   The drugs do target any remaining cancer cells and in addition do have side effects that could include kidney problems, neuropathy and/or hearing loss.  The oncologist recommends four cycles of three treatments each.  Each cycle is often “only” three weeks long.    IF white blood cell and palette counts remain within acceptable limits, all can be completed within three months.  At any time the white count is too low, a new drug costing $6000 per treatment is given and treatment is prolonged.  
When ought curative treatment stop?

We spend ever more on old folks. Given the side effects and the costs, I doubt I will choose the chemo.  

1 comment:

  1. On the journey there are forks in the road with choices. My thoughts are with you.
