Thursday, July 7, 2011


I want to stay out of cancerstan as long as possible.  However, it’s hard to know which guide is best at a particular time and place.  In this place, where I’ve been since May 24, the surgeon is my guide and “general contractor”.

Contractors and related subcontractors remain my guides… In order to stay out of Cancerstan I have had to deal with several subcontractors which seem to be as numerous here as they are in Iraq and Afghanistan.    Current subcontractor guides include my family doc, a naturopath, a Chinese body medicine specialist, a medical oncologist,  an anesthesiologist, Ostomy nurses (aka “bag ladies”) and related technicians who drive the sophisticated machines which measure status and record body conditions.

A former subcontractor guide, the pathologist, advised that the May 24  surgery  got me out of Cancerstan  In Stage 3. Most likely in another 2 to 4 weeks, I will have recovered from the surgery and will be assigned a new “general contractor”, the medical oncologist.

In the meantime, there have been some misunderstandings, most likely due to translation problems between the general contractor’s medical assistant and me.  Hopefully, there will be no emergencies as currently I am only allowed to talk with the surgeon who is on vacation through July 16. 

The guides have all been helpful but still I am finding it difficult to live by my mantra “Accept what is, Live simply, Love generously, Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God”.

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