Friday, September 9, 2011

A Part Removed and two new guides acquired

My kidney drain was removed and as of this past Tuesday I have two new guides 
Dr. Seeley a partner of Dr. Cox and Dr. Michael Lavelle a partner of Dr. Pitre. 

Dr. Seeley and I met on Tuesday Sept 6 when he removed the kidney drain tube!  (No longer sleeping only on my left side.  Again, I can sleep on my back or either side. )  It was my second visit to the Good Samaritan Cath Lab…high tech and lots of staff that undoubtedly results in big dollars. (My guess is that Medicare will be billed for around $10k for those two visits.)

Sidebar: Apparently a difference of opinion among the three radiologists regarding the cause of the blockage was resolved.  They seemed to conclude that I did not have a kidney stone.   Most likely the blockage was caused by scar tissue where the ureter and “drain pipe” (created from the ileum to allow urine flow to the stoma and external bag hanging some five inches to the right of my belly button) were sewn together on May 24.

Dr. Seeley reported the stent was allowing urine to flow from the right kidney and so the removal of the kidney drain would be quick and only short-term pain (like Scottish foreplay…relax Lassie).  It was.

After another 30 minutes cleaning up and getting a fine oxycontin pain pill I was released to recuperate at home and before returning to the urologists. Next day, Dr. Pitre, my current urological guide set me up for an appointment with his colleague, Dr. Michael Lavelle
Next Wednesday, Dr. Lavelle will be explaining to me how he will propose some sort of dilation of that right ureter (and remove the stent?)…Sounds like another surgery to me.  UGH!

 Today’s jeopardy answer
“Hospitals and selected medical professionals”

The question
“For whom is Cancerstan a good locale?”

And, that’s today’s news from the cancerstan border.

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